Monday, January 14, 2013


PT Aneka Mining Services is a private Jakarta registered PT company formed in 2007 by a group of experienced Indonesia Mining Industry geoscientists to provide cost effective and hassle free services to the Indonesia and recently SE Asia exploration sector.

SIUP                   : 05337-04/PM1.824.271
Hukum & HAM    : AHU-AH.01.10-38512


We specialize in exploring for precious and base metals systems using Industry standard, conventional techniques targeting early and advanced stage greenfields exploration for;

  • Island Arc Porphyry Copper - Gold systems
  • Acid - Sulfate (High Sulfidation - Lithocap) Gold systems
  • Quartz - Adularia (Low Sulfidation) Gold systems
  • Others (e.g. Sediment hosted Gold, VMS
  • Mesothermal - Orogenic Gold
  • Granite - sediment hosted Tin
  • Iron oxide systems

Our philosophy is keep everything simple and efficient but effective to reduce overheads and support expenses.


We have access to a broad range of experienced independant professionals from senior field assistants to project managers including operational managers all experienced in remote and difficult locations throughout Indonesia and recently Malaysia and Myanmar.

Between 2007 - 2011 members of this group of geoscientists successfully managed and discovered @4 million oz Au in 3 separate contemporary projects as published inferred resources. The projects were diverse in location and access with a total of @200 personnel, 17 geoscientists, 7 core drill rigs, 2 excavators, 1 helicopter and 8 vehicles resources being managed in tandem. All this was accomplished with a discovery cost of @USD 5 per ounce Au.

Team personnel have membership to AIG (Australian Institute of Geoscientists), IAGI (Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia - Indonesian Geoscience body) and Kepala Teknik Tambang (Mining Head Certification). These allow for regulatory report submission and responsibility in the minerals exploration sector for Indonesian and external (TSX, ASX) requirements.


Contact us at;

Talavera Office Park Lt 28,
Jl TB Simatupang Kav. 22-26
Jakarta 12430
Phone : +62-21-75997922 or Fax: +62-21-75999988
Email :

Please feel free to download our flyer


Indonesia earthquake density map and seafloor lineament analysis from open source 90m SRTM dataset in relation to known Indonesian mineral deposits.

90m (3 Arc Seconds) SRTM image of Northern Sumatra from open source datasets.

Compilation of Dutch mine photos from Sumatra probably Tambang Sawah circa 1920-1930's. Note the large dore bullion bricks and gold pour on top left. These are open file images from the Tropenmuseum and Dutch East Indies in Photographs 1860-1940 collections.

Compilation of Dutch gold mine photos of Hais or Totok Mine circa 1920s in North Sulawesi where I explored in the early 1990's with Newmont Indonesia. We found a lot of the ironworks such as steam locomotives, rail-lines and aquaducts intact and you can still see preserved (last reports) in Lakban. My camp at Lobongan was built on the same foundations as in the lower left image and the building styles are identical.

The first Dutch gold mine in Indonesia Salida is located in West Sumatra. It was first exploited by the Dutch VOC in a treaty with the Painan Chiefs to defend the village against the Acehnese in the 1660s. The later UG photographs of circa 1920s are extraordinary and show great detail of the gold - silver bearing quartz veins.

Dutch map of the Salida Gold Mine circa 1694 copied from the Tropenmuseum digital archives in Amsterdam.

Those interested in good quality local custom blade work can check this out - Caribou Pisau Indonesia and Teddy Kardin

Those interested in wild, unspoiled sportfishing like this let me know


30m longline rig shift

Remote recon

Multi purpose rig RC and core

Core saw channel sampling

Remote reconnaissance flycamp
Porters - Sumatra
Logistics support
Somewhere in Sumatra
Logistics heaven - AVTUR

7m python - Kalimantan


Bell 204 mobilizing ketingting
Raging river - Kalimantan
Fiery sunset somewhere in Indonesia